The Invisible Hill

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Forced to relax

Soon  7 weeks with a flu has kept me away from the bike. Well mostly off the bike. Last week I tried to make a few easy rides, but my body responded with a small temperature, sore throat and a drippy nose. Really frustrating as I can feel all muscles turn into jelly.

Early morning ride before work

Well at least I have time to carefully plan the winter cycling season, this time with a coach. Yesterday was my weekly massage day, sometimes I feel those sessions are more mental healing than healing your body. The masseur surely does a better job than any psychologist.

Friday relaxing

I also found a neat new Rapha video, and found it to include a familiar theme.  Check out the neat short video Rapha Retreats 2014.

Wednesday chilling

It also looks as if Belgium got some snow. Another really beautiful picture from Jered and Ashley Gruber, this time from Muur van Geraardsbergen, Belgium.

Picture from

I certainly hope we won't have any snow yet!


Have a good one!