The Fall is officially here
This week gave us the new world champions in road cycling, including juniors, U23 and elite in both women and men. Copenhagen, Denmark was the spot for the world champs this year. This event really is the first real sign of the Fall and the approaching winter. Earlier this week, the battle for the Time-Trial title was fought. One can say an era of a great Time-Trial cyclist came to an end. Fabian Cancellara (also known as Spartacus) couldn't defend his title, and finished third after Bradley Wiggins (2nd) and the winner, Tony Martin.
Tony Martin (picture from
Today the fight for the Road Race Champion was fought. The track was easy, didn't include any sharp turns nor any climbs. This reduced the number of possible winners down to just a couple of riders. The big fight would probably be fought between Hushovd, Gilbert, Cavendish, Cancellara, Boasson Hagen and Goss. Unfortunately Hushovd fell behind the peloton when there was a big collision in the peloton. These riders could never fight their way back to the main peloton anymore. I myself hoped for the remaining norwegian, Boasson Hagen, Gilbert or Cancellara. But the strong British team ruled the game, and made it easy for Mark Cavendish throughout the race, and in the last 100m he speeded up and couldn't be catched by anyone anymore.
Mark Cavendish celebrating (picture from'm not a huge fan of Cav, and I would want to see a rider with wider capabilities as the Road Race World Champion. But in the end of the day, that guy is the fastest sprinter in the world, I can't deny that.
Here in Finland the weather has been pretty good, despite some really heavy winds a couple of days, the rain has finally kept itself on a distance. But even though the sun would be shining, the days are really short and chilly. More about some updates on this site and pictures/videos later next week.
Paimio, Finland, 25.9.2011 (click to open in GoogleMaps)