Keravan Kevätpolkaisu race tomorrow
I've been busy with moving and everything that has to do with it, and again I've underestimated the total time moving to a new address takes. Anyway, tomorrow will be the second race for me this season, Keravan Kevätpolkaisu. I had a week long pause from cycling but been able to train pretty okay the last week. Tomorrow will be a good test of where my condition is at the moment.
Kinda like the new neighborhoods
So I'm not super confident, but I don't feel I've lost much because of the short pause I had from cycling. The biggest downside is probably the lack of longer +3 hour workouts. But I will head towards tomorrow's race with a good spirit and really looking forward to be back racing.
Keravan Kevätpolaisu is a 96 km long race and consists of two laps. I've never ridden the route before, so it will be good to have a route where on the second lap you know exactly how the last kilometers will be. It should be an uphill finish, so if I have any legs left, that should be a good thing for me. But I won't build any high hopes, just looking forward to a good solid riding and leaving everything I have on the road. The weather looks okay, some +12 degrees and really light winds with scattered clouds and partly sunny throughout the race.
The day before race-day should be relaxing
I will also be racing with some updated equipment, new wheels that is. I will tell you more about that, but I feel confident with them, having some 20 hours behind I really can feel the difference. Now I'll do the final preparations and packing before heading for bed. Early wake up tomorrow morning and the start goes off at 11 am local time. Stay tuned for updates on my Facebook page and on Instagram.
New wheels are in town
The day before race-day should also be good nutrition-wise. From today's restaurant day, Italian of course! Check the facebook page: Made in Italy, eat in Turku.
The antipasto was super!
Among the best desserts in the world!
This is super good super food!
Yeah, they were all yellow. A nice 1,5 hour warming up ride in sunny weather!
Per vincere!