Road Cycling Season 2015 Taking Shape
My Facebook news feed was filled with road cycling pictures last weekend. Those pictures were taken by cyclists who had enjoyed the great weather. I too enjoyed the sun and had a pretty good week of training, some 15 hours in the saddle and plenty of sunshine. Riding outside, spending longer times in the saddle actually felt super good and the body adapted to it immediately. No fatigue whatsoever. No looking at the Garmin 810 to look for how many kilometers I had tracked or how many hours I got left until I could head home. Just pure enjoyment. After a long winter that is not always the case. So I guess the off season training, focusing on building on that "engine" has paid off. Next up will be an FTP test and then probably adding some more power and intervals to the training program. We also started planning on the race schedule for the upcoming season. I will update the final schedule within the next weeks!
Planning upcoming races
Added hours in the saddle after doing short trainer rides during winter, can often cause problems with your body. Those problems can be pain in your neck, back, legs and pretty much everywhere where you have muscles. Stretching is really important, but still we often forget about it, usually just because we are lazy. I admit I am lazy when it comes to stretching. I found a good post about stretching, 4 good cycling stretches, including some videos, check it out and start stretching people! I will try to add that to my routines as well.
Since I was unable to decide which photos to upload from the many pictures taken during the weekend, I decided to randomly just throw almost all of them at you. You're once again very welcome!
Pargas archipelago bathing in the sun
I guess there are worse places to take a break at
The ferry to Attu
After 4 years, I still like the looks of my Canyon Ultimate CF 8.0
Some more sunbathing
Crossing the Attu bridge
Have to admit, glad to be back here!
These are the sections I love the most. Narrow roads with water on both sides.
Attu bridge in the background
A lift bridge located at Lillholmen, Pargas
The bridge will lift whenever there is traffic (=seldom)
A perfect way to end the perfect road cycling weekend. Sunset in Hirvensalo
So I hope you had time to enjoy the weather. It looks as if the high will continue for most part of this week, but there are colder air masses approaching Finland during the weekend already. Then we will probably go back to what's "normal" March weather in Finland. So enjoy while you still can!