Rapha Festive 500 - Honourable Mentions
It has been a couple of really strange weeks, both in good and bad. It feels as if the ups and downs have both peaked in an abnormal way. I won't go into any details about the downs, but I guess you need them every now and then to really figure out what's important in life. I've been fortunate to have many ups as well, and those I'm more than glad to share with you.
January passed by rapidly and I will go more into detail in my training later, but so far I've managed to add some hours from the previous year. Having looked at my cycling year 2014 roughly a week ago I realized how much I've actually developed during last year. I guess those hours in the saddle really add up.
Zwift has made my indoor training much easier this year
It's hard sometimes to stay focused when you love food... But somehow I've managed to keep my weight down. There are many special occasions during January and February where you just have to consume "bad calories". Fortunately you burn some cycling.
Runeberg torte - one of my all time favorites. Yes we had a whole box of them..
Finnish laskiaispulla. Whipped cream, almond paste and strawberry jam. 100 % empty calories.
Somewhere in between I do eat healthy as well.
Last week I also was contacted by Rapha. I first thought it was just an ordinary newsletter, but then looked closer at the subject "Congratulations from Rapha". That got my attention. And reading through the first sentences I started realizing that my Rapha Festive 500 story had been selected as one of the winners. Not in the main category but receiving an honourable mention. Wow how cool is that!
Having browsed through all the amazing videos, pictures and stories from fellow Rapha Festive 500 finishers, I really don't know how my story was selected. But I am really glad it was! You can check the original post at Rapha Festive 500 2014 winners. David Tarasi also received the honourable mention, check out his site and story as well!
All neatly wrapped up
“Mikael gets a mention because, as far as we can tell, his rides in Finland were completed in some of the coldest conditions experienced by any rider. Mikael embarked on his rides wrapped in many layers of clothing and took along enough mulled wine to stay warm and keep his spirits high.”
We both won a Rapha Essentials Case and a Brevet Bidon. Big thanks to Rapha for having us pedal and push our limits!
The Rapha Brevet Bidon - black & white
Team Sky blue Rapha Essentials Case
Rapha details
With new year usually new things find your way. This year seems to be no exception. Last year I was introduced to the Fincycling project, and this year seem to follow a similar trend of introducing new interesting people and ideas to me. Life is amazing, throwing these like-minded people in front of you getting your brain play with scenarios sending shivers down your spine of sheer excitement. It's hard keeping your feet on the ground even if life also knows how to put you back down. But I have a good feeling about the upcoming year. So many ideas, so many possibilities that lie ahead, it just can't be bad. I will begin writing this year as a year of change and doing things I am passionate about. I hope I can finish it looking back having completed at least some of them. I'm excited to tell you more, but not yet, not yet.
Per Vincere!